Thursday, August 21, 2008


Today was the first day of school. Connor said it was the best first day of school ever. Mine it was just the same, okay. Connor said Mrs. Miller was awesome and was totally nice. Me with all my nine teachers it was okay. Running around the school in a HUGE boot isn't the best. I started out the day with an assembly that was great. It just explained everything and the cheer team did a little thing. A girl I don't like was up in the little holding position with three people holding her, and she was falling back to land and almost killed her self. First hour I had spanish, then teen living, honors geometry, science, english, teen living b, and journalism.


Necha said...

I'm glad you had a good first day of school! Why are you wearing a boot?

Mel & Annette said...

So I had to read your blog first thing when I got back to a computer. It is great! Good job. I shall look forward to reading and seeing great pictures. It was fun seeing you guys this weekend. The rest of our trip was fantastic, too. Well keep writting, ok. (you're officially in our favorite bloggers now.) xoxox

Necha said...

Hey will you do me a favor...I am wondering the name of a book that Connor was reading about a year ago. It was one he got while we were there visiting. It was about some kids that get dropped off at their granparents for the summer and they are told not to go into the woods around the house...but the boy sneeks out there anyway, and see's goblins or some kind of magical creatures. That is all I remember. I never finished reading it when I was there...and now I'd like to if you can remember the name. Ask Connor for me!! He might not remember, and that's okay...but worth a try!! Thanks!! Just leave a comment on my page if you find out ok!! Love ya!

Necha said...

Hey Thanks Brianna! I read Fablehaven a couple of weeks ago and it was great! Now I will have to read the rest in the series!!